Showing 26 - 50 of 107 Results
Notes on the History of Fort George During the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, with Cont... by McGee, James [From Old Cata... ISBN: 9781175292490 List Price: $18.75
Verrazzano : A motion for the stay of Judgment . . by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781175391599 List Price: $15.75
In Memoriam by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781175591326 List Price: $16.75
Lake George : Its scenes and characteristics, with glimpses of the olden Times by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin ISBN: 9781175951663 List Price: $25.75
Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen : With translations from the Icelandic Sagas by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin ISBN: 9781177602051 List Price: $26.75
Few Observations : On the Prince Society's Edition of the New English Canaan (1883) by Costa, Benjamin Franklin De... ISBN: 9781165245208 List Price: $12.76
Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen : With Translations from the Icelandic Sagas by Franklin, De Costa Benjamin ISBN: 9781314267426 List Price: $23.95
Lake George: Its Scenes and Characteristics, with Glimpses of the Olden Times: To Which Is A... by Benjamin Franklin De Costa ISBN: 9781272898885 List Price: $25.75
Pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen, illustrated by translations from the Ice... by DeCosta, B. F. (Benjamin Fr... ISBN: 9781418110994 List Price: $39.95
The Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries, Volume 19 - Primary Source Edition by Henry Phelps Johnston, John... ISBN: 9781287681946 List Price: $56.75
Hiawatha: The Story of the Iroquois Sage, in Prose and Verse [By B.F. de Costa]. - Primary S... by Benjamin Franklin De Costa ISBN: 9781287381457 List Price: $17.75
Verrazzano : A Motion for the Stay of Judgment . . by [De Costa, Benjamin Frankli... ISBN: 9781372235603 List Price: $19.95
Verrazzano : A Motion for the Stay of Judgment . . by [De Costa, Benjamin Frankli... ISBN: 9781372235597 List Price: $9.95
Lake George : Its Scenes and Characteristics, with Glimpses of the Olden Times by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781359604927 List Price: $24.95
Hand-Book of Mount Desert, Coast of Maine, with All the Routes Thither by [De Costa, Benjamin Frankli... ISBN: 9781362659525 List Price: $13.95
Hand-Book of Mount Desert, Coast of Maine, with All the Routes Thither by [De Costa, Benjamin Frankli... ISBN: 9781362659563 List Price: $23.95
Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen : With Translations from the Icelandic Sagas by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin ISBN: 9781371300043 List Price: $24.95
Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin ISBN: 9781371299989 List Price: $14.95
Notes on the History of Fort George During the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, with Cont... by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781371761639 List Price: $12.95
Notes on the History of Fort George During the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, with Cont... by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781371761653 List Price: $22.95
Lake George : Its Scenes and Characteristics, with Glimpses of the Olden Times by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781373769862 List Price: $24.95
Lake George by De Costa, Benjamin Franklin... ISBN: 9781373769855 List Price: $14.95
In Memoriam by [De Costa, Benjamin Frankli... ISBN: 9781374052697 List Price: $10.95
Verrazano the Explorer: Being a Vindication of His Letter and Voyage, with an Examination of... by Costa, Benjamin Franklin De... ISBN: 9781333880576 List Price: $9.57
In Memoriam: Sister Sainte Claire, Order of St. Ursula (Classic Reprint) by Costa, Benjamin Franklin De... ISBN: 9781334065897 List Price: $7.97
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